

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

-Lesson Learned. .

- - . . .See when you young. .you do things in relationships for personal qain until you finally realize thatrelationships are like sex. .somebody qone come out (screaminq && squirminq.) shakinq && hurt. . . & thee other person will be dissattisfied . .bad mouthinq thee other. .upset & pissed cus` they couldnt qet theey issue off . .but then there are those (GOOD SEX) relationships. .where either. .both qet theey issue off and walk away or its justt too qood to let qo so you stay. . is it hard to find. (DAMN REAL) cus you just cant be in a realtionship with any ol` body and expect to come out satisfied. .cus just like sex. .they can leave yo ass hiqh & dry. .wonderinq why in the fck you let shit qet that far. .i vowed to myself to never be played. .lied to .. cheated on. .or disrespected. .EVER AGAIN . .one time is enough for me. . i dont like good sex. .bad sex. ok sex. . which qo hand in hand with good relationships. .bad relationships or ok relationship . .i like my shit to be GREAT. .the best the ever was. .some shit you look up too .admiration . .a mffcknq` movement. .& ohh yea. .if you know whutt i know. .then i will answer the question for you. ."YES. .THATS WHUT IM STRIVING FOR" . -landinq amonq the stars to me is just as qood as touchinq thee moon . .i aint tryinqq qet head over hills. . im just tryinq qet overr thee hump qoddamn me. . but the STARS. is where im headed. .trust & believe. .(i hope. .let me not sound so damn sure of my self) but hey . aint nothinq wronq with a little confidence rite? ?-anywhooo. .havee a qood week my felloww . .ughh (idk whut yall is._) how bout myy faithful viewers (sounds nicee rite) either wayy . .lovee me.


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Im Bossy

Im Bossy