

Saturday, March 14, 2009

bxtch. .its all about me?

-i can care less about the trials & tribulations of your life. .fuck all yo hardships & the pain you went throuqh . ._i qet tired of the cryinq & the lyinq. .just so mfckas` can recieve sympathy from me. beetch im not a doctor. not a miracle worker. .not a mfckinq confidon`. im alot of thinqs. but i can tell you whut the fck i aint. [& thats` for damn sure) . .i cant follow yo lead. .cus i move to my own music. .I cant join yo clique cus` i qot my own. .I cant wish you luck cus i` need it for my damn self.-

..I cant help you out._cus i need help too . No swaqq stealinq over here boo.-cus i qot my own. I cant follow one mfckinq trend cus` i like too many. .I cant dress like you cus my shit out the box. over-top . .but you. (you wear skinny jeans & flip flops.-poet moment_] I cant sinq like you cus i cant sing at all .cant talk like you cus my voice changes. .You cant have whuts mine cus i said so. .

& everything you are. im not. everything i am. you cant be. .so whut the fuck is it about you. . that you think could possibly influence me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- i know thatss rightt! i love this one!!

Im Bossy

Im Bossy