

Saturday, April 18, 2009

-oppositesss. ATTRACT.

-I fiqured. .that if you want somethinq for so lonq, that it`ll eventually come to you. .
Maybe some thinqs are true. .maybe they`re not. .
like the fact that oppositess attract. .
how could i possibly bee moivated to continue on a trail without a certain destination.
I`ll persue him, for sure. cus i`ve wanted it WAYY TOO LONG.
I told my qod`sista thouqh. .i told her that somethinq was qonna be wronq.
ANYTHiNG POSSiBLE. that i could find wrong. I would. & i did. because thats just me.
That how i think. OVER-THiNK. & analyze everythinq. from little to biq. .EVERYTHiNG.
but i hoped for the opposites. & i wonder why i wanted it so bad. & i realized that it had become
accostumed. .like a . .a . .CERTANiTY. .like i had to have it. but honestly its not that serious. imm qonna see whur thinqs take me. USS. him. .we. .whteva. & if its allowed then so bee it. & if not than FCK it.
-smooch. .

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