

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Bossy Bible. an extended warm welcome

If you haven't heard. (or just so happened to miss the big sign at the top of the page, I've recently changed my blogs' name and web address, from The Diva Chronicles. @ , to The Bossy Bible @ . I asked a bunch of family and friends and it seemed as if everyone seemed to like The Bossy Bible more than the other two I considered changing it to. I like this name because its more of my speed, Bossy. Having things done, doing them yourself. Demanding complete obedience and cooperation, while providing valid, and usefull information . & the only person able to do so is a BOSS! Bible because it should be like a ritual to you, just like you go to church every wednesday and sunday. You should come to The Bossy Bible. Read into like its a bible. It has everything you need. & if Iam or have offened anyone with the relation of the word "BIBLE" I extend my apologies, and know that my intention are good and not trying to intefere with your relationship with our Heavenly Father.
-Stay Fabulous. - MWAH*

Im Bossy

Im Bossy