

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hi loves, let me start by saying despite all odds and obstacles .. WE MADE IT! So this post is dedicated to every single person who had a successful hustle in twenty-ten. This is to my barbies, my models, the poets, the artists, the fashionistas and fashionistos .. to the singers, rappers and choreographers. To all the dreamers, believers and especially to our haters .. This post is for y'all. To every person whose ever been doubted or hated on .. you made it! No bumps, No bruises. Just you and your dreams. So without further adu, lets pour a little champagne for those we've lost, and toast to the one's who've yet to meet. In 2011 everything is possible .. So let's make it happen, Let's make it fabulous!

be safe, stay beautiful, keep grinding.

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Im Bossy

Im Bossy