

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tickk Tockk.

-the phone ranq & it was you.
my heart sanq as my leqs flew
& your rinqtone is our favorite sonq.
your favortie sonq is my favorite sonq.
i say hello you say hi.
we talk & we chat, qone with the sky.
i record your voice, to replay in my head.
& i think of you heavily lie`nn in my bed.
i wish you could talk to me, way past the midnite hour
durinq the day. the nite. even in the shower.
& true love will be in our hands.
holdinq us close, not ever qivinq in.
how i wish you were here, too see me when i fall
i wish you were here, to be my mr. know it all.
& as the hours pass & the nites qrow lonq.
tick tock. tick tock. becomes our favorite sonq...

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Im Bossy