

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ON thee flipped side. . .(HA.)

As a person i've qrown. (att least thaass` whut i think) . .NO more hate towards these niqqas. .start feelinq like i was showinqq TOO MUCH respect. .NO more dislikinq these hoes. . its a waste of enerqy . .BEETCHs who dislike me are EXXACTLYY whut i said. BEETCHS . (bitchs). . i dont even DO half of thee shit i used to doo. (eye rollinq. .arguinq. .attitude. etc) i`ll save that shit for the up & cominqqq. . -whuts thee point? reqardless of whut you doo to a beetch she still qone dislike you . .so why waste valuable enerqy sendinqq qlances or conversinq over some simple asss hoe? THERE is No point._you qet thousands of morninqs to wake up . .but only one to come to yo senses. & yes . .i`ve had my morninq . .im athletic & more ways thenn one. & if you didnt know that. .then uhmm. . you ont` know thee real me OBViOUSLY. .(itss cool) . .i work all four seasons . .doinq shitt thattt only a real fckkn`. HARDworker cud & shudd doo. . but ayy. .THASS ME. .ppl qot theyy own husltes.& of course. .MEME respects that. so if a beetch CANT respect me. . . SQUASH THAT. .BEETCHS GOTTA RESPECT ME for whut i do . .no if`s. .and`s. .or but`s. .about the situation . .& if by any chance. .you the beetch WHO DONT RESPECT ME. .then beetch you sinkinq & i dont carry dead weight. .so uhmm . .YES you dead to me. .-i respect my self & every aspect of my body. when cant some females carry themselves with the same decency? thaass all i wana know ? ? whyy some niqqas cant find they strenqths & seperate that frm they weakness ? WHY? only they qot thee answer huh? TRUST all my intentions are qood. NO LIE! i aint here to knock nobodys` hustle. .swaqq. .lifestyle. .thouqhts. .etc etc. .i cud really care less. .but i will provide advice whur advice is due. .& IT IS up too YOU whether or not you wana take it. .just bee the last to say that i DIDNT at least try. .

but ayy on thee flipside. .at least FLAWS are whut seperates us from one another. .one last question .why thee fck do people come to homecominq in LIMO`s? ? (is that not lame) lmfaoo


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Im Bossy

Im Bossy