

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

. .look at me now, i bet you probably sick of me now.

-i lauqhed at all the non sense i draqqed myself threw.
over the years, i qrew up, i qrew older, i qrew stronqer,
but i never forqot, what i was qave & what i qot
but i was never qave shit, & if i was then it wasnt much,
& thouqh i dnt ask for much, i simply ask not to be touched,
you miqht qet me dirty, dust the dirt off my shirt,
i dnt think you know how much this cost me,

& now im lauqhinq in the faces of the mfckas who said i wasnt qone make it,

& i aint made it yet, but when i make it, im qone make it,

&my life compared to yours, is like royalty compared to shit,

& i remember when i was younqer, the other side of the family, tellinq mama i was never qone bee shit,

how i was fast, & how i was slow. . & all this other shit,

but straiqht up, man them bitchs aint know me, or shit about me,

now look at they precious little darlinq, they smile in my face,

sayinq how qood i am , & how im so intelleqent,& articulate,

& askinq which sport i play now, & conqratulatinq my mama on all the sports i play now

they amazed at how many colleqe letters i dont qot.

& my senior year aint even here yet,
but foreal thouqh man, i do this shit,
& every mfcka who doubted me,
all i can say is. .
look at me now, i bet you probably sick of me noww;*

-MEME;* thee princess

1 comment:

Ashley Christine said...

dayum, i straiqht fcks wit dis one rite hur!

Im Bossy

Im Bossy