

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Looking to FIND yourself

-.the road is vigorous & bumpy like cobblestone.
for miles & miles i walked alone.
in a land unknown, trying to find a home.
i stumble everyday, & it hurts when i hit the ground.
a world invisible to the naked eye.
all i see when i look in the mirror;
is a lady unknown, unforgiving, & a nomad.
a heart breaker. a heart taker. & a heart-eraser. . .
i wake up alone, in a land unknown, trying to find a home
in a world invisible to the naked eye.
when i look in the mirror;
all i see is me!

. . .Sometimes, when your young, you do things that arent too pretty, in order to figure out what it is that you like, or what attracts your interests. Personally. (&&this is just between you& me). i've done some things, so many things, that are so very ugly, & sitting in my room at night, staring at the open ceiling, iWONDER what provoked me, at those moments, to fall so flat; to be so shallow. .to be so uncertain. . .I always knew when i woke up in the morning, i wouldnt be proud of myself because i wasnt doing prideful things. But before i fell asleep, i had no worries on this EARTH. It was just me.! Waking up i felt like "UGGGGH it's me against the world". & the world can be so brutal, so cold,&& so misunderstanding. But over the years, i've realized that it doesnt matter what the world thinks. i'll use, abuse, choose, replace, date, hate, love, cry, lie down, curse, hurt, misunderstand, so many things & so many people, that when you sum it all up. . . It adds up to be a mixture of Growth & Knowledge! Holding on to the things that made me who iAM, wont determine who i will be. Because im not a bad person, && in the end, i think thats all that really matters! I cant say that i've found myself, but i can say that i know what im looking for, what it is that i want, & where it is that i want to go. My path still isnt crystal clear, & everyday im looking to find myself. But i've got to reach deep, because so many people try their hardest to bring me down, to stop my roll. .to interfer with my blessings, && i just smile at them. On the inside is a fire that burns, & if i dont smile, i just might burn you, im vicious, with a flower. .lols;

so dont step in my fire while im on the road, looking to find myself!

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