

Monday, January 18, 2010

The 5 Million Dollar Bra ..

Victoria’s Secret has done it yet again. It seems as if as soon our old panties & bras start to bore us . Vicki unleashes a secret that we never would think was true. Believe it or not . Victoria Secret has a “Black Diamond Fantasy Miracle Bra” which costs a whopping $5 million because it’s made with 3,575 black diamonds, 117 white diamonds and 34 rubies. Oh, there’s also two black diamonds that swing down from the bra.
If i ever owned this. It'd be my most expensive and favorite piece of lingerie by far!
Can you imagine wearing a $5million dollar bra under your everyday clothes?
that's my house and car x100.

Wonder how much it weighs? .. if anyone ever finds out.
be the first to let me know .


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Im Bossy

Im Bossy