

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

STL Fashion Digest Feature: Dreadhead

"Stay Doug or Die"

The Basics:
What's your name: Dreadhead
Where are you from: St.Louis
Age: 20

Q.So your an 80's baby. Do you think that influences your style? (if not) which fashion era would you say influences you the most:
A.Modern for now, slowly but showly the 80's though.

Q.I've been looking for a sneaker head forever, how many shoes would you say you own, and whats your favorite pair:
A.I don't know how many I own, I can count them just for you though, but estimated .. about 65 pairs. The Space Jams (Jordan 11's black, blue and white) are my favorite though.

Q. I hear you have a mix tape out, tell me about that:
A. It's not out, I'm working on it. I've been procrastinating, I've got about four songs left, it'll be out in May in may though. Its called " The Introduction "

Q.What artist inspire you to make your music? And who do you think is killing the game right now, the Veterans, or the Up & Coming:
A. J.Cole , Wiz Khalifa, Yung Berg, and Big Sean are my influences because they're not stand-out artist, they're underground and I support that. And I would have to go with the Veterans, because the Up & Coming aren't moving anybody, the veterans keep bringing hits.

Q. As far as hip-hop goes, do any hip-hop artist influence your fashion:
A. Yep, Imma say Wale , Kayne, and Tyga.

Q. Which is better, Jordan or Nike: (this was a hard question for him)
A. I'mma say Nike, but I own more Jordans, Nike just has a better variety.

Q. So do you mall-hop or are you a online retail shopper:
A. Both .. Well I don't order off the Internet, I just see it on the net, Then I'll go buy it in the store.

Q. Off the top of the head, describe yourself in 3 words:

Q. If you could represent for any clothing line in the WORLD, who would it be and why:
A. Obey, because I like the variety that they bring, The jeans, the shirts, hats, Jackets, EVERYTHING!

Q. What are 3 things that you can't leave the house without:
and My Phone.

Q. I hear your starting a fashion line, wanna tell the readers about that:
A. Well, It's called Retro Limited. I hooked up with my producer King Louie, told him about it, and we sat there and thought about the name, then about the logo. Got together with my graphic designer Quill and we're trying to find a way to make it come alive.

Q. Last but not least, one tip you have for the readers:
A. Stay Doug or Die, you know it & you know you know it.

Wanna know more about Dreadhead, his fashion line, or his mixtape?

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