

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

love, live, life then im dead. . .

its too many niqqas out here, to be stressinq over one,
its too many bullets out here, to be sharinq the same qun
its too many hatinq hoes, to try satisfy people`s needs.
its too many swaq-jocka`s, so i just doo me.
its too much money out here, to be chasinq one dolla,
&&these niqqas are replaceable, replace em` with on holla.
-now these hoes can hate the name, or forget the playa&& just hate the qame.
but in my eyes, they remain as lames,& i mite forqet ya name, or forqet ya face, its all the same.
i chase qrands not dollas, they say the money talk&& make thee pussy holla,
but i aint listeninq` to shit, i all hear is that qualla. or that qwop.
i qets bread. whether its cominq from yo niqqa, or from ya stash under the bread.
take two to thee head. && wayne qot me sayinq. love, live, life then im dead. . .

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Im Bossy

Im Bossy